You will work with a dataset that contains information visualizations (e.g. bar plots, pie plots).
There is a question assigned to each visualization.
Your task is to label the questions with the given question types given in the table below:
To answer the question, the user has to COMPARE two visual elements with each other
Example: Is the public spending of New Zealand always higher than in Norway?
To answer the question, the user has to find extrema (MAX and MIN values)
Example: In which year, the value of Employment in the agriculture graph peaked?
To answer the question, the user has to READ DATA VALUES or COLORS from the visualization
Example: What is the value of Slovenia?
To answer the question, the user has to find a label that matches given conditions.
Example: Which country has its value 5.97%?
To answer the question, the user has to read LABELS or the DESCRIPTION of the visualization
Example: How many categories are there in the chart?
To answer the question, the user has to CALCULATE a value (count, sum, median, ratio, ...)
Example: What's the average value of all dark blue bars?
None of the labels does fit to the question.
Example: ---
Attention: For the most questions, there are multiple fitting labels.