Question Type Classification

You will work with a dataset that contains information visualizations (e.g. bar plots, pie plots).
There is a question assigned to each visualization.
Your task is to label the questions with the given question types given in the table below:

Descriptions & Examples
Comparison (CP)

To answer the question, the user has to COMPARE two visual elements with each other

Example: Is the public spending of New Zealand always higher than in Norway?

Find Extremum (FE)

To answer the question, the user has to find extrema (MAX and MIN values)

Example: In which year, the value of Employment in the agriculture graph peaked?

Retrieve Value (RV)

To answer the question, the user has to READ DATA VALUES or COLORS from the visualization

Example: What is the value of Slovenia?

Filter Labels (F)

To answer the question, the user has to find a label that matches given conditions.

Example: Which country has its value 5.97%?

Context Understanding (U)

To answer the question, the user has to read LABELS or the DESCRIPTION of the visualization

Example: How many categories are there in the chart?

Compute Derived Value (C)

To answer the question, the user has to CALCULATE a value (count, sum, median, ratio, ...)

Example: What's the average value of all dark blue bars?

No matching category (NA)

None of the labels does fit to the question.

Example: ---

Attention: For the most questions, there are multiple fitting labels.

You must assign ALL labels that fit to the given question.

If you think that the question might be unclear or not precise, just additionally tick the corresponding checkbox.

This page will remain open, so you can check the labels later again.